
Showing posts from 2015

8000 pageviews and counting

I'm up to over 8000 pageviews. That's a really good thing, as it shows I'm having the impact I wanted to - reaching out to people suffering from BXO, and perhaps helping them along the way. I've had a couple of requests for offline contact recently. I'm definitely keen on that, provided, of course, it doesn't become obsessive. At the end of the day, I'm just a guy. I blog about BXO all the time, but my life doesn't revolve around it. In my last post, I said I was going to try a further month on Creme Complete, then perhaps switch to Perrin's Blend, if the CC didn't speed things up. Over that time, I seem to have developed a bit of eczema around my groin in a few patches, and itching is not uncommon with that. There were a few spots around my BXO that were getting equally inflamed, so I decided to lay off the Creme Complete. I also decided it was probably not smart to try the Perrin's Blend under those circumstances, but no big deal; I'm...

Creme Complete - One Month Update

It's been a month since I started using Creme Complete regularly. All I can say is, I am impressed. The first week saw the biggest peel I've seen in a long time, and on the glans at that. I've always said the inner skin peels slower than the shaft skin, and the glans peels slower than the foreskin. So to see peeling on the glans was very refreshing. I haven't been able to reproduce the rate of peeling I got that first time since then, so in reality it was probably the Creme Complete encouraging a large amount of dead skin to peel. But I have been seeing slow but steady amounts of peeling from it over the past month. To observe it properly, you really do have to clean it thoroughly then let it dry out completely, but when you do that you can indeed see peeling. I haven't been too over the top with my applications this time around. Just twice a day, once in the morning after my shower, once at night before going to bed. I think that's why I've...

I'm back on Creme Complete

Earlier this week, I decided to look back through the historic photos of my BXO recovery. While several variables (how wet the skin was, the light at the time, and the degree of inflammation of non-BXO skin) all affected the consistency of photographs alone as a measure of progress, it can be seen over a period of several months. Nonetheless, what I did notice is that the difference between the first and second periods of 6 months versus the last 6 months were considerably different. In the beginning, progress was considerably faster than it is for me now. And, given progress in the beginning was painfully slow, it just means now it's going even slower. I decided I'd try some treatments again to see what I could do to help things along. Recall from my experiences last year that Creme Complete, which started as a wonderful treatment, eventually turned what I felt was a little harsh. It caused itching, inflammation, and a daily round of peeling. I was excited for a little while...

Our bodies can heal us

Yes, I am still alive. I haven't been posting here as much lately, obviously, and I thought it was about time I did. Progress seems to have slowed a bit. I'm not taking that as a sign of anything other than I am obviously getting closer and closer to a final state for what I can expect my penis to look like. Recall from my earlier post 'Healing BXO is like cleaning a house' how you notice large progress early, then when you think you're healed, you look closer and realise how far you've got to go. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. I don't think it's quite fair to say progress is logarithmic, but it definitely slows down, the further you get through this thing. I decided a little while back that I would deliberately keep my posting schedule back to at most once a month, perhaps even less. It's now just too hard to see any real change over any shorter timeframe. Don't get me wrong, things are still only heading in the right direction, but ther...

So it's been a year

It was exactly one year ago that I first identified my condition as LS/BXO. It's been a trying year, but one that has ended up quite rewarding. As I began predicting recently, I'm not yet rid of all my symptoms. I still have some patches of white skin, and quite a few patches of red, but the amount of brown skin (healed) increases very slowly, each month. As you can tell, I don't post here as much now, as it seems progress, although it used to be slow, is now even slower. What I've learned over the past year is almost too much to summarise. Interested readers should read through my post history to get a better idea of what works for me and what doesn't. I am going to keep this post relatively short. A few months ago, I was anticipating a long ceremonious "that's all from me" post on June 15th, as I was hoping I'd be totally rid of BXO. But I'm not there yet. I am back to using Comfrey every day. I make a concentrated tea from the leaves, th...

Maybe I'm getting cold feet...

Recall my last post where I talked about how I thought Creme Complete was helping me. I'm now not sure whether it was, or whether it was irritating me. I've always considered peeling to be a sign of progress, and I sure was seeing a lot of it on Creme Complete. However, if I'm honest, I was seeing more of it than I was comfortable with. One big shed in the morning is one thing; two days in a row is another; but three days in a row, from the same area of skin... It just seems wrong to me. Perhaps it was all genuine, accelerated progress.. But I'm not ready to risk it. What's worse is, the parts on the glans where it was peeling were slightly red underneath from where I had helped the skin peel away, so it was making me look really unattractive. Other parts were just a little more 'pink' than usual, and felt a little more sensitive. That is fine, except again I wasn't sure if it was a sign of mild irritation. So in the end, I lost my nerve and stopped th...

Creme Complete seems to loving me

Either it's the creme complete, or it's something else I've done outside my usual regime, but I seem to be doing really well on Creme Complete at the moment. I haven't been masturbating so much lately, because I've been seeing a few lady friends instead. Naturally, that's putting different kinds of friction on my penis, which is creating some slight redness that was previously unseen. That said, I always did notice a bit of that after sex. However, I haven't been doing it much. Once or twice a week at most, and masturbation about the same frequency. And yet, my weapon of choice at the moment is Creme Complete, and I'm noticing considerable white skin peeling each morning after wearing it overnight. I also FEEL like I'm noticing some previously red skin that is turning gradually brown (ie returning to normal). I've decided to lay off the exfoliation. While it works, it also tends to make the surrounding area a little red, which gives the impress...

Clearing BXO is like cleaning a house

Say you live in a house and you let the cleanliness slide. One day, you decide you need to deal with it, so you clean. At first, you start with the big items that are taking up the most space, then you get to the smaller ones, then you vacuum the floor and wipe benches, and it looks pretty nice. Only, then you look around and notice things like small patches on the carpet that you either missed when vacuuming, or have small stains on them. You notice the light switches need to be wiped, and you notice the skirting boards need a dust off. You also see some dirt marks on the side of a sofa that probably came from a dirty shoe. This is like if you got given a handout of money and told you could spend it all. First, you'd buy big things, then eventually you'd be working out how many single dollars you had left to buy something trivial with. BXO is like that. When you first realise you have it, you are at the worst stage, but you also have absolutely no idea what 'finished...


Today, for an entirely new phenomenon. Up until recently, I had been using only treatments to encourage healing or peeling of its own accord. All that changed last week when I decided I would try exfoliation on the remaining areas of BXO skin. I used a small pumice stone to gently exfoliate the white skin on the glans while it was moist (from water, not urine). I then left it for several days, before doing it again. I believe the difference is very noticeable. There have been some large areas where skin has been peeling. There are a few tricks, however. First, be gentle. The patch where it was thickest is also where I did the most work, and it became slightly painful to the touch not long after that.  Don't go nuts and make the remaining skin go red and inflamed. Only enough to gently encourage the BXO skin to start to break at the surface is what's needed. The second is to give it time after doing it. Facial exfoliation is generally recommended 2-3 times a week. Any more t...

Creme complete - 2 Week Follow-up

I said I'd follow up after a week but I was a little slack. Anyway, here I am now after two weeks of using Creme Complete. Peeling is not really evident these days, but Creme Complete seems to be good at helping the skin to return to it's normal, dark/pink and elastic state. A magnifying glass is a useful tool for me now, as I can see the patterns beginning to form on the surface of the skin that once had thick white BXO skin on it. Peeling obviously still occurs, because the few areas of white skin that remain  are thinning out slowly and returning to normal tissue colour, but it's certainly nowhere near the days of old when skin would peel off in layers so thick you could actually make yourself bleed by forcibly peeling them off. I'm not certain, but I feel like I'm at the stage the medical industry refers to as 'some scarring may remain'. As I'm sure I've said before, that is complete nonsense if you use the correct treatment. I can no longe...

Creme Complete, Here I come

Comfrey seems to help accelerate the healing, but what I feel like it really needs right now is some moisturising. So, I'm going back to Creme Complete. I've been on and off with almost all my treatments lately, and I need to stop. It's Creme Complete every day now, for at least a week and we'll see how it goes. Now my itching seems to be back under control as I'm feeling a lot calmer, I feel like it's worth trying something a bit more 'restorative'. Back in a week or so with an update.

Stress and BXO

I believe I can say for almost certain that there is a direct link between extreme stress/fatigue and my BXO. I After almost nine years of being married, my marriage is ending. It has been on the cards for a while, and I've been unhappy for the last few years (at some level, I actually wonder whether it may have been responsible for my BXO) but I've seen a few things lately that forced me to face the facts that my wife will never change, and I need to leave. As they say about separation, it's one of the most stressful experiences we can go through. Within about 12 hours of the conversation with my wife about us separating, my BXO began to itch. I tried numerous treatments, all of which seemed to make things worse - this is just like the end of last year when I got run down and stressed due to work. I've since had a very relaxing, clear-my-head couple of days, and things are much much better again. So to me, this shows with almost certainty that my BXO is related to ...


January 2014 October 2014 13th December 2014  21 December 2014 and 19th January 2015 My camera lens on my iPhone is getting very scratched, so clear photos are unfortunately a thing of the past. However, you can see from the most recent pic that it's becoming difficult to detect BXO. Fair to say, however, that it's difficult to tell the difference between white BXO skin and ligth reflections, but you can at least catch the drift.

Red Clover

So yeah... um... about that stuff... So as you know, I picked a load of it and was letting it dry when I last mentioned it. Well, I went out to check on how dry it was getting and when I opened the box, saw that the petals (?) of the flowers were, quite literally, walking away from the box. Ok... this isn't cool, I thought to myself. On closer inspection, I saw what had happened. The small petals/florets, whatever they are called, make perfect houses for insect eggs. What had happened is the eggs had hatched and small caterpillars/larvae of some type of insect, were all walking away from their egg and dragging parts of the Red Clover with it. When I was picking it, I was getting eaten alive by small sandflies as it was not far from a river. I suspect, it was their larvae that were all through the Red Clover. Initially, I decided the best thing to do was to spray it with fly spray, thinking "it won't affect me as I'm not drinking it" but later I started to understa...

Comfrey - and why I love it

My last post didn't really say why, but Comfrey is amazing. My concentrated Comfrey tea that I use topically is, without a doubt, the absolute fastest-acting compound I have ever used on my BXO. Every couple of days, I put some on in the morning. Within about 15 minutes of putting it on, I feel a very slight itch on some of the areas I have used it, and by the end of that day, I will see peeling. I see peeling every day, and I see noticeable progress every day. Very minor progress, yes, but hey... it's progress that's visible... and it happens every friggin day!!! Peeling equals progress.. Or as I find myself saying more and more these days, peeling equals healing. I'm peeling all the time, and it's always on the problem areas. What's most rewarding is that it's on the inner skin, which used to go what felt like weeks without peeling at times. I will need to get some updated photos soon. My phone camera lens is getting too scratched and making the photos...


Comfrey rocks. That is all.

Weeds vs BXO

I have a love/hate relationship with weeds. I think just about everyone does. But mine is probably different from a lot of people's. I love using them for practical purposes, and I hate paying money for products made from them. I'd far sooner find a wild source than pay money for a product made from them. In my previous post, I talked about a mystery product. That product is Comfrey. Comfrey is reported very good at remodeling damaged tissue. I thought I'd try some on my BXO and see how it went. I picked some leaves and let them dry, then made a tea from them. I then boiled off most the water, leaving a green/brown coloured liquid that felt slightly oily, and applied that to my BXO. Within a couple of days, the peeling was immediately apparent. No part of my skin was spared either. The whole area peeled at one time or another. However, it was all going well until I read quite a few reports from people advising not to apply Comfrey for more than 10 days at a time, and fo...