Creme Complete seems to loving me

Either it's the creme complete, or it's something else I've done outside my usual regime, but I seem to be doing really well on Creme Complete at the moment. I haven't been masturbating so much lately, because I've been seeing a few lady friends instead. Naturally, that's putting different kinds of friction on my penis, which is creating some slight redness that was previously unseen. That said, I always did notice a bit of that after sex. However, I haven't been doing it much. Once or twice a week at most, and masturbation about the same frequency. And yet, my weapon of choice at the moment is Creme Complete, and I'm noticing considerable white skin peeling each morning after wearing it overnight. I also FEEL like I'm noticing some previously red skin that is turning gradually brown (ie returning to normal).

I've decided to lay off the exfoliation. While it works, it also tends to make the surrounding area a little red, which gives the impression the redness is some kind of injury. If you have BXO and want to engage in any kind of sexual activity with another person, the secret seems to be to reduce the difference in colour between BXO skin, red skin, and normal healthy skin. The best way to do this is to leave it alone, bar treatment.

At one point, I was beginning to think I had developed a negative reaction to creme complete, as I was getting slightly itchy from it. But now I have returned to it, I've realised that just isn't the case.

Perhaps it's the creme complete that's healing me, perhaps it's the fact I've abstaining from sexual activity more than I was previously. I'm not sure. All I know is, something seems to be creating a lot of peeling, which is most definitely welcome.

As I move through this recovery phase, I'm very aware of the fact that I actually know very little about the healing process from this disease. About all I can say for sure is, my healing is continuing. Where it will end, I really don't know. I have tight white skin, red skin, and brown skin. When it gets irritated, I have more red skin and more itching, and the white skin turns more red. I have white skin that's about the peel, and I have red skin that follows peeling skin. I don't know much about what each skin colour represents. Common sense tells you red probably equals skin that has healing potential (assuming it's not been irritated, but that's purely a guess.


  1. Just got yesterday my I started applying a 50/50 mix of DMSO and TTO...after 1 hour my gland was sooooo shrivelled up...So i am looking forward to seeing how much skin shedding will happen.The DMSO really hellped the TTO get into the skin..Prior application did nothing as the TTO would not enter the gland...but DMSO helped alot...Applying the mixture about 8 times a day..Will update in a few days.

    I tried 2 weeks prior with TTO and didnt get any results..applied also oregano oil and TTO at the same time as Oregano oil burns slight shedding around frenulum but as soon as i added DMSO to the mix...I get the feeling I will get more skin shedding off..will keep in touch

    1. That sounds promising. I know a lot of guys at abchomeopathy reported the same shrivelling after using dfrance's mixture, so if their experience is anything to go by, yours should be taken as a positive sign.


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