I'm back on Creme Complete

Earlier this week, I decided to look back through the historic photos of my BXO recovery. While several variables (how wet the skin was, the light at the time, and the degree of inflammation of non-BXO skin) all affected the consistency of photographs alone as a measure of progress, it can be seen over a period of several months. Nonetheless, what I did notice is that the difference between the first and second periods of 6 months versus the last 6 months were considerably different. In the beginning, progress was considerably faster than it is for me now. And, given progress in the beginning was painfully slow, it just means now it's going even slower.

I decided I'd try some treatments again to see what I could do to help things along. Recall from my experiences last year that Creme Complete, which started as a wonderful treatment, eventually turned what I felt was a little harsh. It caused itching, inflammation, and a daily round of peeling. I was excited for a little while, but then I got cold feet and backed away from it, never to try it again. i got cold feet at the daily peeling, as I thought "this can't be right, and it can't be good".

This week, I considered the possibility that I may have just over-treated my BXO with it. So I sought about understanding the recommended treatment regime from Perrin Naturals. Whilst searching the website, I stumbled across this very interesting comment:

With extended and extensive use the Crème Complete™ may cause sun-damaged areas to become inflamed, turn red, and to possibly peel. 

Inflamed? Check
Turn red? Check
Peel? Check

The only symptom not mentioned was itching, but I had all three of the symptoms they described. It does seem fairly likely that what I was experiencing was, in fact, my skin responding positively to Creme Complete. So I've decided I'm going back to using it, but just twice a day (and applying a little more sparingly) to hopefully ease the itching.

I won't say too much more than that for now. But will update my progress in a month or so.


  1. Thank you for your updates and blog. We appreciate the insight, since a young member of our family has bxo.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment. It means a lot to know I'm helping others on here.


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