So it's been a year

It was exactly one year ago that I first identified my condition as LS/BXO. It's been a trying year, but one that has ended up quite rewarding. As I began predicting recently, I'm not yet rid of all my symptoms. I still have some patches of white skin, and quite a few patches of red, but the amount of brown skin (healed) increases very slowly, each month. As you can tell, I don't post here as much now, as it seems progress, although it used to be slow, is now even slower.

What I've learned over the past year is almost too much to summarise. Interested readers should read through my post history to get a better idea of what works for me and what doesn't.

I am going to keep this post relatively short. A few months ago, I was anticipating a long ceremonious "that's all from me" post on June 15th, as I was hoping I'd be totally rid of BXO. But I'm not there yet. I am back to using Comfrey every day. I make a concentrated tea from the leaves, then freeze it into small ice cubes, and use these to source a small amount of infusion to apply topically. Comfrey doesn't keep particularly long, even in the refrigerator, but freezing it, it lasts indefinitely. So that's my way of keeping it fresh and handy all the time.

I'm really pleased to see a few have taken to posting questions here. If I can make just one person's BXO recovery better than mine was, then I'll be happy. Keep the questions coming, gents.


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