Stress and BXO

I believe I can say for almost certain that there is a direct link between extreme stress/fatigue and my BXO. I After almost nine years of being married, my marriage is ending. It has been on the cards for a while, and I've been unhappy for the last few years (at some level, I actually wonder whether it may have been responsible for my BXO) but I've seen a few things lately that forced me to face the facts that my wife will never change, and I need to leave.

As they say about separation, it's one of the most stressful experiences we can go through. Within about 12 hours of the conversation with my wife about us separating, my BXO began to itch. I tried numerous treatments, all of which seemed to make things worse - this is just like the end of last year when I got run down and stressed due to work. I've since had a very relaxing, clear-my-head couple of days, and things are much much better again.

So to me, this shows with almost certainty that my BXO is related to stress. LS is considered to be an autoimmune disorder. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on the liver, to help heal autoimmune disorders. They say the liver is negatively affected by stress. And when I get very stressed, my BXO gets worse. It does link together.

One approach I haven't really tried with BXO is the internal approach.I'm now trying acupressure to decongest the liver, as well as a few other things that reportedly help. I'm not going to change my life because of it... yet.

Once my wife and I split up, however, it will become much easier to eat the foods I perhaps need to as a trial, so it's highly possible I may end up trying a more committed approach to the liver detox/decongestion. In the meantime, I'm going to do what I can to stay calm and as relaxed as I can, given the circumstances. I really don't need BXO getting worse after all the good work I've put in since June 2014.


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