Update on this blog

You may have noticed that the look and feel of this blog has changed. You've probably also noticed that I'm making more frequent posts at the moment. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. And while I'm actively working to clear the final patches of BXO and strive for an even more healthy and normal looking penis, I'm posting a lot here.

In addition, I've been pondering for a long time how I could utilise some of my skills and talents (outside of work) in a way that helps others, but also brings some value back to me. Looking at the amount of traffic this blog sees these days, I'm beginning to think I may have accidentally discovered that very outlet. Perhaps it wasn't that I became victim to BXO, perhaps it was BXO that found me? Maybe there was a purpose for it after all.

What began as a blog where I documented my journey has turned into what some are telling me is one of the best resources out there online in helping men deal with this most troublesome and confidence-sapping disease. That's a real privilege to be seen in that way, and I'm not about to let that go.

Earlier this year I asked who was interested in me producing an eBook. The responses weren't overwhelming, but were all supportive. I do realise, however, that many of the men who need (or will in the future need) such an eBook aren't yet here. Many men will either be slowly falling victim to this disease without realising it, too scared or embarrassed to seek treatment, or are looking but haven't yet found this site.

Of course an eBook (or some collection of resources explaining the whole recovery process) would be useful. The audience for this blog alone is proof of that. But there are a couple of reasons why I haven't pursued it.

Producing an eBook would take me a lot of work and time. Like everyone, my time is valuable, and I would want something in return. I don't know the legality of me charging for such advice. Also, as you know, I prefer not to identify myself on here. This anonymity becomes more harder to keep if I publish (and charge) for an eBook.

In short, if I write an eBook, it will be free, published here, and will not identify me as the author.

Those of you without adblocking software will be aware that this blog has had advertisements for some time. I intend on continuing with this as my sole means of income from this endeavour. If things really take off, I could even move my blog to its own domain and make it easier to find.

Your support is always greatly appreciated.


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