BXO Healing Guide

After considerable time contemplating how I could best serve the world of BXO sufferers, I am pleased to finally bring you the BXO Recovery Plan. The plan is a step-by-step process detailing each of the stages in the healing process and what you should do along the way.

Initially I contemplated making an eBook, but in the end I decided against this for several reasons. First, I'm not qualified in functional or natural medicine, and I didn't feel write publishing a book giving advice about this. Second, I don't want to reveal my identity. I don't know how feasible this is when publishing a resource and collecting income from it.

But what finally helped me make my decision was this: You have all suffered and paid enough already. I know what it's like when you have BXO and you want it gone. You'd do almost anything to get rid of it. This often means spending money on yet another miracle cure. I didn't want to be 'yet another miracle cure'.

The guide is here and it's free for you all to use. Please, however, if you distribute it I would far prefer you to distribute the link to this site, rather than just sharing the content. As you will see, I do feature ads on my site, and this is the only way I receive anything back for my time in creating this content. I need visitors, as more traffic probably boosts my search rankings with Google, making this content easier for others to find in the future.

Eventually, if it becomes viable to do so, I will move this site to another platform with its own domain. But I'm starting with a minimum viable product and doing what I can with freely available tools.


  1. Hi I have been suffering from what I believe to be BXO since August 2018. I am a 24 year old male, and have had a normal penis all my life. I was able to retract the foreskin without any problems. Also I have had post micturition dribble since I was a kid (I never though much of it and thought it was normal). To start off, I first noticed some thick white skin on my foreskin when I had pulled my foreskin back to clean under it. I did not think much of it and let it continue until I began to see a ring around my skin. In October I went to go see my GP, she told me it was most likely an infection and prescribed me Nystatin Ointment 100,000 USP and Triamcinolone Acetonide Ointment USP .1% (twice a day for two weeks). I did not see any improvement. So then I went to a urologist. He saw the tight band around my foreskin and when I asked him if he thinks its BXO he said its hard to tell and there is no real way for him to tell. He prescribed me Clotrimazole and Betamethasone Dipropionate Cream USP 1%, Lotrimin AF Clotrimazole cream, and Fluconazole tablet 150mg (3 tablets). I tried his medications and did not see improvement. So then I began searching online. I found that I should keep my foreskin pulled back to keep my penis dry and also to apply TTO mixed with emu oil onto the penis. I tried this and I began seeing peeling. That is what you can see in the first pictures in my link. After that I began seeing slow improvement and in December 2018 I saw a dermatologist. The dermatologist suggested I continue doing what I’m doing since I saw improvement. But she said to diagnose it as BXO she would need to take a biopsy. I did not want to get a biopsy done so I continued my treatment. However I soon fell off the treatment and my foreskin became tight again and when I would masturbate I would see cuts in my foreskin. So Starting February 20 I began to keep my foreskin pulled back at all times and using TTO mixed with emu oil and DMSO three times a day. That significantly helped loosen the tight ring, but I also noticed in the time since I first noticed the problem in 2018 my penis head had become a lot lighter almost white. So I even ordered Crème Complete and tried that for a week and saw no more improvement. I tried hydrogen peroxide today and saw some peeling. I simply dipped my penis into a cup full of hydrogen peroxide and let it soak for a minute. Afterward I pulled the foreskin over and let it sit for 40 minutes.

    Link to pictures: https://imgur.com/a/Khz8WqT

    I am at a point right now where I am not seeing much improvement, my foreskin is looser, but there still is a thin tight ring. My glans seem to have become white when unerect, and wrinkly. When erect they become smooth and pink. I have become depressed by thinking of this problem and it is constantly on my mind now. Can you please answer some questions for me:

    1) Does what I have look like BXO to you?
    2) Why do you reckon my glans have become light now?
    3) How can I loosen the remaining ring?
    4) Whenever I apply either TT0, Hydrogen Peroxide, Manuka Honey, or Creme complete I pull the foreskin back and cover my glans and tight ring with it and leave it there. Also I apply all these things with a Q-tip. Is that the correct way to apply and leave things on?
    5) Any tips on forcing a peel. I even tried applying TTO directly without any mix to my penis and it doesn’t do much. I would imagine it would burn but it doesn’t.
    6) Do I really need a biopsy to confirm BXO?

    1. Hi, and thanks for your post and questions. It's good you've been seeing a dermatologist.

      1) Yes, it looks exactly like BXO to me.
      2) Your glans looks very similar to mine when flaccid. Note how the appearance changes when erect. I also note that it has developed this appearance more recently. The thing to remember about healing from BXO is that it's a slow and gradual process. You won't see overnight results, and it's uncommon to take what seems like steps backward. I think that peeling is a combination of skin healing and skin being effectively 'beaten into submission', which means it goes backward before healing at times.
      3) Keep using the treatments. I personally found Manuka honey most effective at loosening the ring. Just have faith in the fact that, if you're peeling, the skin is healing. As enough layers peel, the tightness from the ring will subside.
      4) I used to just apply treatments with my fingers mostly. But I did find things like Hydrogen Peroxide and Manuka Honey worked better with the skin forward. Both would rub off easily if I was exposed.
      5) Sadly, no. That's the holy grail of this process - how to repeatedly initiate a peel. To this day, I still have no idea what causes skin to peel some days and not on others. All I can say here is that persistence is key. There comes a time when the peeling is so subtle you almost can't see it's happening at all. But if it's happening in any form, then you know it's progress.
      6) My doctor never sent me for one, but to be fair I already knew what I had, and I responded to the treatment. I suspect the protocol is different for patients who don't respond to treatments. From what I've read, a biopsy is the standard way to confirm diagnosis.

  2. Thank you so much for the reply. It makes me feel a whole lot better knowing there is help out there and I’m not alone.

    Just to clarify some things can you answer some questions.
    1) So since the bxo is now affecting my glans do you think it’s progressively making its way to my urethra? Do you think it can be the effect of leaving my foreskin pulled back to expose the glans at all times?
    2) Also what kind of Manuka Honey do you use? The biggest issue I’ve been having is that I’m seeing peeling at times on my glans. But not at all on the tight ring. The ring has gotten significantly looser than when I first noticed the problem. But now it seems like nothing is able to force it to peel. It’s kind of at a set point.

    1. The urethra seems to be extremely resilient to BXO. I'm fairly sure it's made of different tissue than the glans has. If the urethra had issues it would affect the entire length I would have thought.

      Pulling your skin back to expose the glans won't do any harm. When you consider that the medical profession recommends circumcision as a cure for BXO, all you're doing is cheating the system to give yourself the same outcome without surgery.

      I didn't buy great Manuka honey. It was the highest UMF honey I could find st the supermarket (which isn't that high).

      My ring didn't peel on Manuka honey either, yet somehow it expanded. I think it probably was peeling but was doing so in minute fragments that I couldn't see. If yours is growing then that's great news and is all you need to be concerned about in my opinion. Remember, it's the outcome you want, not the process. If you are healing back to a normal size and function, don't worry about the lack of peeling.

  3. Thanks for all the info. I've had this disease now for around 2 years. Can't retract the foreskin because of it even when flaccid (could do so before), so keeping it dry it seems like is almost impossible. I tried stretching it with coconut oil/hot water, and an ulcer developed on my phimotic ring and it created scar tissue.

    My diet has has low carbs and no sugar, all organic greens/ grass fed meat etc. I exercise everyday. I also have been using TTO/DSMO for weeks and have experienced no peeling with it.

    What happens if you can't get the white skin to peel at all? I feel like I'm completely fucked, like this disease has atrophied my glans to the extent where I can't heal them. I feel totally fucking hopeless and I hate it. If I can just get the damn skin to peel I would be in such a better mental state. I also can't even stretch my ring because I'm afraid that I'll create more scar tissue. There's also now 2 raised bumps near my urethra. It just all seems incredibly hopeless.

    1. You're among the group of people I've been thinking a lot about how to help lately - those who can't retract their foreskin at all. Because I never had that problem, all the stories I told were of my own situation - which was one where the glans was fully accessible the whole time.

      So, what can you do?

      First, it's important to realise that there's dry (of everything) and there's dry (of urine). In both my personal experience and in medical papers, urine seems to be the culprit, not just moisture. You say your glans is covered. Can you still see and access your urethra? My ultra-paranoid process of wiping and squeezing multiple times after urination would probably be just as effective for you as for me. But it depends on whether you can dab up the urine with toilet paper, or whether that's currently not an option if you have an overhanging prepuce that will not expand enough to give access.

      If you can, then make sure you are doing just that - wipe yourself as much as you can every time you urinate. Once finished, squeeze every drop out until no more drops come out. Do that every time you urinate.

      In terms of treatments, I would try products that will get under the foreskin and coat as much of it as possible. If I were in your situation, I'd try treatments like Hydrogen Peroxide and Manuka Honey.

      With the peroxide, pour a small amount into a cap then pour from the cap into the foreskin directly. Work the skin around so it can get into all the gaps, then simply leave it there. I'd do that once a day.

      With Manuka Honey, you might need to warm it up first so it becomes a liquid, then simply apply in the same way as the peroxide. Manuka Honey was the only treatment I applied that provided apparent improvements in my phimotic ring over night. It was very subtle, but it definitely reduced the extent of atrophy around the ring most nights.

      In terms of stretching, you've obviously found out just how inelastic BXO skin is. I believe the cause of phimosis that people recommend stretching for is completely different than BXO, where stretching is one of the worst things you can do.

    2. Thank you for the reply. So should I halt all stretching until the skin is rid of BXO? I feel like though that not having the ability to retract my foreskin makes this disease almost impossible to treat, at least with the inner foreskin. I have already created patches of scar tissue with stretching so I'm probably going to stop all together with stretching.

    3. I found BXO made the tissue the least flexible I've ever seen, and as a result, completely intolerant to any kind of stretching. I had two separate infections that required antibiotics, and several more tears that probably would have gone the same way if I didn't have a tube of antibiotic ointment. Yes, I would half all stretching until you can rid yourself of BXO. You probably won't need to stretch once you've rid yourself of BXO anyway.

      You say this is impossible to treat, but have you tried any of the suggestions I came up with and mentioned in my earlier comment?

    4. I'm doing everything you posted with the exception of the Manuka honey, I just ordered some very high quality manuka off amazon and I'll get it around next week or so.

      Did you tears develop into raised scar tissue that is even less flexible than the BXO skin? That's currently my major problem, if I can't reduce these scar tissues I think I pretty much have to go for circumcision.

      Thanks again for the replies, it's nice to talk to someone about this, most doctors that I've dealt with are completely clueless about this affliction.

    5. I had a pretty tight ring, which was made of built up tissue. I don't know that I'd call it scar tissue. I personally don't subscribe to the theory that bxo causes any kind of scarring. If anything, my wounds healed more like normal skin than bxo skin, and would be more red in colour.

      I don't have a prescribed solution for your current situation right now but I'm certainly thinking about it. But like I have said before, I would tend to focus on removing the urine somehow. Hydrogen peroxide is a good cleaner, and might be just what you need to start cleaning under the foreskin.

      Apart from that, if you take one thing from my blog, let it be this point: your situation is unique, so it's going to be up to you to find a solution - but the solution WILL be out there. The reason you havent found other is because nobody else has wanted to solve this problem as badly as you have, and if they have, they kept it to themselves.

      My blog is really just a compilation of ideas I've seen others suggest online. I'm not an expert. I just wanted to share my progress with others so I might be able to help others. But that doesn't mean I'm the only person who has solved my specific problem. If you want to solve yours badly enough, you can. You just have to start with the knowns - bxo is caused by urine. Remove the urine, and you'll create the environment for your body to start healing. It's that simple. Note I didn't say it was easy. But in essence, it's very simple.

      Either prevent the urine or allow it to get under the foreskin but remove it via some kind of liquid product.

    6. Thanks for all the help man. You're blog and insight is very helpful. I have some more questions if you don't mind. When I stretched I opened up several lesions, one of which has somewhat healed but is still painful to touch. The other is on my frenulum, either from too much use of TTO+DMSO or the stretching.

      Here's my problem, every time I urinate, I get excruciating pain when urine comes in contact with the frenulum and other lesions. Could this be sign of infection? I don't want to panic but I'm starting to think I might be getting an infection of some sort.

      My only solution right now is to submerge my penis in water and then urinate, it's still painful but not nearly as much. I think when I stretched I caused my ring to shrink even more, because I cant even stick my finger inside the foreskin anymore, not even my pinky. Before I could retract enough to put my finger in the foreskin and sort of clean it, and I could also have the urethra avoid contact with the foreskin during urination.

      Any help is much appreciated, this is starting to freak me out.

    7. Speaking as a well-seasoned infection victim, it definitely sounds like that may be what you have. The dead giveaway is redness, swelling, inflammation, and weeping. If you don't have any of those, you may be in the clear.

      With one exception, the only times I ever had stinging pains when urine made contact with wounds were when I had infections. As I've said before, I was lucky in that I had (and still have) a tube of antibiotic ointment, which my doctor gave me along with oral antibiotics. The oral ones are obviously long gone, but I found the ointment was generally all I needed to prevent infections if I caught them early enough.

      The exception was one time I had sex and gave myself a horrible tear. I treated it straight away with antibiotic ointment, which is what I would be doing if I was in your situation (and had such ointment).

      It really does sound like you're forcing this, rather than letting the recovery take its course. BXO skin will protest pretty fast if you force anything.

      Have you tried using 3% medical hydrogen peroxide? I've been dealing with an ingrown fingernail lately that has become infected, and my doctor gave me a cream where the only active ingredient is 1% Hydrogen Peroxide.

      I really think peroxide is going to be a good choice for you, in your current situation, once you heal from these wounds, so I'd go and buy some and start now.

  4. What’s your thoughts on DMSO and TTO? I read on a forum that people got rid of their scarring from using these two combined. Also did you use Clobetasol everyday for a month straigh? I was going back through your old articles and you discribed this method as a cheat mode. BTW your articles are giving me hope of getting rid of this patch of BXO on my glans.

    1. My thoughts around DMSO + TTO are just that. I never tried DMSO, as I couldn't find a source of it in my country. I too have seen stories online from those who reported success. Since I never found one single 'wonder treatment' I'm personally skeptical that one exists. If I were to hazard a guess about how DMSO + TTO would work for me, I'd say it would work just as well as any other treatment I tried.

      Yes, I used clobetasol every day, as recommended by my doctor. It helped, but again, it was no 'wonder treatment' and probably worked about as well as a decently powerful treatment like TTO.

  5. Hey so here’s an update:
    I kept on applying various treatments for some months now and found no peeling on my ring. I would see peeling on healthy skin but nothing seems to penetrate into the ring. So I visited two urologist who both suggested I use an antifungal/steroid cream because they believed I had a fungal infection. After one month of using those treatments I saw no difference. So recently I began using creme complete and found that my skin got loose and I am now able to retract my foreskin even further back when erect. However the ring still remains. So I went to a dermatologist again and she took a biopsy. I just got the results back and I do indeed have lichen scelerosus. She prescribed me clobetasol .05%. I am really stressed and can only hope that the steroid ointment will help. However my foreskin is easy to retract and not an issue. But the ring bothers me and I’m afraid it will grow. I always keep my foreskin retracted now. Should I apply the ointment to my foreskin and leave it retracted? Or should I pull it over my head? I’m afraid if I pull it over my penis head it will contact my gland and cause issues of thinning there.

    1. This is a marathon, not a sprint, remember. If you've seen progress on Creme Complete, then continuing using it will keep showing progress.

      I found Clobetasol helped, but it's hard to say whether or not it was better than the other natural treatments I had been using up to that point. It's certainly no less effective. At a time when I was concerned about whether my slow recovery was 'normal' or just 'imagined', it was nice to find that the high-powered steroids that are only available with prescription were barely any better than what I'd been using. It gave me peace of mind, after having spent about 6 months seeing very slow progress using treatments I'd read about online.

      Clobetasol apparently can thin the skin after prolonged use. So I would try and avoid letting it contact any part of your penis that isn't affected by BXO. I would retract the foreskin, then apply it to affected areas, making sure to massage it in so it gets absorbed quickly. Leave it like that for, say, an hour, then wipe away any excess ointment. That will just mean that, if your foreskin inadvertently finds its way forward over the glans, you won't be putting much clobetasol onto the glans.

      Lastly, I should add that you really should not worry about the ring worsening. You've already made some good progress, which is very likely to continue. The irritant that causes BXO appears to be urine, and in my experience, needs a steady supply of it to 'fuel' development. I found if I cut off that 'fuel' supply, not only did it stop the disease from progressing, but it started healing as well.

      This disease is an much of a struggle emotionally as it is physically. Believe me, I know exactly what you're going through. You don't know if you'll ever be back to 'normal' again, and the excruciatingly slow progress causes you to have serious doubts. That is exactly why I keep this blog running and why I keep coming back to help others. Because nobody tells you any of this stuff - the recovery of unparalleled slowness and the emotional instability caused by doubt.

      You're doing everything right, and you're definitely heading in the right direction.

  6. So today I've been "diagnosed" over the phone with BXO, My urethra has closed multiple times and i have been using a q-tip and hydrogen peroxide to open it back up for close to 6 months before i changed doctors and had Cephalexin 500 mg for 17 days two separate times. Again it has not disappeared with all these medications, they did reduce the inflammation in the same breath. Also what seems to have worked for me to reduce the inflammation inside my urethra is juiced celery 16 ounces in the am, eat everything else normally for one week. It seems to remove the inflammation quite a bit. Ive not got it completely gone, and will continue to follow up here with results. Im going to get some steroid cream today prescribed by the Urologist, and a scope to actually see how far the inflammation goes up inside. Im no doctor, this is my journey to this point. The inflammation for me started to really affect me in March 2020. Ive had circumcision and that seems to be, according to google a large reason for it, not the cause but an amplifier.


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