Tea Tree Oil

I'm using my current surge of enthusiasm to rediscover some treatments I haven't used for a while. I've now added Tea Tree Oil to my treatment regime, albeit with a slight twist on last time.

Previously, I applied it neat (undiluted). After a while, I could no longer tolerate it. This time, I've been diluting it in some moisturiser. It still creates sensation shortly after application, but rather than being a 'burning' it's almost more of a 'cooling' (peppermint) sensation. It's actually quite nice.

I've been applying Tea Tree Oil overnight, and Creme Complete during the day. At the end of each day, most of the Creme Complete will have been absorbed or rubbed off, but I generally get a notable peel. As my skin dries out, I'm able to see fine peeling at the edges of the BXO skin.

I know I've said before that I don't know whether treatments are any more effective than just keeping the skin dry, but I'm now beginning to think that they are. I say this because my glans never fully cleared itself of BXO, as far as I'm aware. I can't find a single photo of it looking the colour that I'm beginning to see around the edges now. I spent all of 2014 recovering my normal functionality, and by the time I reached 2015, I was dealing with a marital split and the chance to enjoy sexual activity again. I also had been having issues tolerating treatments like Creme Complete and Tea Tree Oil. Those things together would have removed my enthusiasm for carrying on.

However, between 2015 and 2019, I have been persistently keeping myself dry after urination, and yet the skin on the glans didn't clear up. Now, after a month and a half of active treatment, it is fading.

So this shows that, for now at least, treatments are more effective than nothing.

Something else I've been pondering lately is why treatments work. Do they simply irritate the skin to the point where it becomes inflamed and peels? Do they work because they are anti-microbial? Do they work because they promote healing? All the treatments I've been trying lately share the common effect of causing the skin to become more red. Not a bad kind of red, but one that makes me think there's some kind of inflamation going on. But I don't really know what that means, in terms of why they work.


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