Was it sleep or was it Clobetasol?

Recall my previous post where I hypothesised that the reason I had gone through a setback was because of a lack of sleep and excessive amount of stress, not because of a rebound from stopping Clobetasol. I was relatively, but not completely, sure that it was the former. Well I'm pleased to report that, since I wrote that last post, I have not used a single drop of Clobetasol, and have managed to stay almost totally itch-free. I still have my brief moments, but that's when I haven't dried myself for a while. A quick toilet visit and decent dab around with toilet paper will solve that problem easily.

I have been sick over the last day or so with a horrible stomach bug, which may have been what my body was fighting when the itching began, although the timing isn't right. I will say, however, that this is at least the third stomach bug I've had at this time of the year in my life, so I know that getting run down does take its toll. At any rate, I'm enjoying sleeping as much as I can. I sleep as early as I can in the evenings, and as late as I can in the mornings. You can't replace two weeks of relaxing leave from work over Christmas (as in, you can't make it come sooner than it does) but you can sleep like a baby should and give your body lots of recharge time. I've always liked my sleep, and while it's often easy to stay up late in the evenings, especially on work nights, to supposedly get more (insert pointless web surfing) done, the mere act of having hours and hours of sleep is an enjoyable activity for me. I'm being reminded of this.

I've seen people make all sorts of comments about Lichen Sclerosus, particularly women. There seems to be a school of thought that it is more prone to emerge when people have been sexually abused, are in abusive relationships, in relationships with someone they are not attracted to etc. I personally think that that is going a little too far, and suspect that it's more likely caused by the depression, anxiety and stress that otherwise accompany such situations. Ultimately, it's all grief, hurt, emotional pain and a sense of no self-esteem isn't it?

When you get run down, you get sick easier. Bad relationships, repressed guilt and shame, low self-esteem, depression, prolonged stress and anxiety all run you down. As I said before, this is at least the third stomach bug I've had in November/December. That wouldn't be particularly alarming if it were a cold, that I might get between four to seven of per year. But it's a stomach bug, of which I get perhaps zero to one per year. You often hear of them doing the rounds, yet I often seem to catch them in November/December. I am run down and in need of a break, and amidst all that I went and had my first flare-up of my BXO since I began treating it in June 2014.

What I think this says is that total health and wellbeing are important factors when it comes to this apparently benign and slow-moving skin condition. It takes months to notice any progress, so it's easy to think of it as 'healed but just remodeling the skin' but it's not. It's still there, at least in places. Interestingly, not all my non-white BXO skin became inflamed. I'm hoping it might be that the skin that has healed more is in remission, and only the recently-healed skin got inflamed. If so, it will mean that, as time goes on, more and more of my skin will heal (as in, fully heal back to normal, not just look normal but maintain the underlying condition).

In the worst case, it might be that my entire BXO area is prone to setbacks on an ongoing basis, and that these will come when I am run down. Frankly speaking, I can live with that, provided I have a normal looking penis in the times in between those infrequent setbacks. The positive story there is that progress is indeed continuing, and that I don't appear to have lost any visible progress during my setback. So it remains a case of "keep on with the wait and see"


  1. Hi twn,

    After being diagnosed about 2,5 months ago I was using natural methods with great success (keeping it dry and using tea tree oil)
    That made me realise that I had BXO for a long time, because the treatmet made the skin that I considered normal peel. That showed me that the whole frenulum was covered in the lichen skin and some foreskin was combined with the glans skin. The BXO was peeling and the skin was regaining the propper form. Until now!

    One day i started feeling the itch (which i haven't ever before) and i feel that the set back/flare-up has begun. I am thinking that this might be due to skin irritation as I was forcing the peel (with the towel for an expample, or with the finger after shower)because the skin that is itchy is very red and puffy now. Although I was forcing the peel (but in my opinion wisely) from the beggining I think that i might have reached the stage where the skin is thinner and much more sensitive. I also had a strong urge to masturbate and did it 2 times in a row which could further iritate the skin of the penis.

    As this is the first time i am ever experiencing such itch I am a bit worried, but trying to stay positive. After readin all the info regarding your setback I am wondering what acctually worked best. I am getting enough sleep. I think I will try Manuka honey in the morning. I decided to stop using tea tree oil until I will heal my skin (the redness, puffiness and the itch). Could you tell me how long your setback was? I am having the the setback symptoms for 4th day now.

    Also, could you tell me if the itch being the result of using tea tree oil is the same as the setback itch? I never had the itch problem with the tea tree oil, and i am wondering if maybe i developed a sensitivity for it.


    1. Hey there!
      Sorry, but it's been so long that I don't recall how long my setback lasted for. Just a wildcard I'll throw out there, however, is that I thought developed an intolerance to Creme Complete, which felt remarkably similar to the setback. Every time I used it after that, it would cause itching. If I kept the dosage EXTREMELY light, I could perhaps get away with it, but I could see the area was red and slightly inflamed - as though it was wanting to cause itching but didn't quite have enough irritation.

      During my setback (the one you're referring to I think) I only found sleep to be effective. It struck in December, at the end of the year when I was really tired.

      Outside of the setback, I found acute stress to be by far the biggest cause of itching.

      I'd suggest you've got one of two things:

      1) You've developed an intolerance to TTO
      2) You're dealing with some other emotional strain

      How has your mental and physical health been of late? What about your energy levels?

      My setback hit in December 2014. This was only a month before my marriage ended, so it's conceivable I was in a pretty low state emotionally. That, on top of the tiredness and stress from the year almost behind me probably may well have been what did it.

      The thing to remember about this disease is that western medicine knows very little about it. It may well have a significant psychosomatic component to both its onset, and its recovery.

      I'd recommend staying off all products, and abstain from any kind of unnecessary motion (yes, this includes sexual activity). Get plenty of sleep, try and live mindfully, and above all else....




      I've tried cold showers once. That was all I could take! Breathing exercises are a different story, however, and will always bring relief.

    2. Thanks very much again! You were right, and I have overused the tea tree oil with resulted in crazy itch that lasted for a week, and a very big swelling that that I was affraid will affect the bloodflow in my penis. I stopped the TTO, and apart from that did absolutely nothing. The itch is nearly 100% gone by now and I am back on track (great improvements since I found your site).

      I wrote about this situation in your recent post too.

      Thanks you!


  2. Hi once again! I also ate quite a lot of sugar lately, and had a few stressing situations. My foreskin is now swollen quite a lot, and I am thinking (hoping ;)) that my mechanical actions irritated the skin. Now I stopped all treatments, and I am waiting for the swelling to go away. Hopefully the itching will disappear too. This itching thing was quite a shock I must say (acctually still IS, as I can't get rid of it). Your blog and the final update (As good as it gets) is the information that keeps me sane, because I know that you got rid of it!

    One more thing! Have you heard about the Wim Hof Method? these are breathing excercises, and cold showers that let you controll your body functions (one of the benefits is fighting inflamation). I started doing it yesterday, and although its tough (the cold water) it relaxes and strengthents the mind immedietly!


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