
Hello to all readers. This is intended to become a diary and also a resource for those following me. I am a sufferer of Penile Lichen Sclerosus, who is choosing to treat it naturally.

I'm 35 years old, and was circumcised in my infancy. About 10 years ago I decided I wanted to restore my foreskin naturally, which I did. I reached the point where I had enough skin to almost fully cover the glans when flaccid. Those who go through restoration notice changed in their penile tissue, mostly as a result of it no longer being exposed to the elements. The skin thins, changes colour, and becomes more sensitive. So in all the changed that I experienced as a result of restoration, what I missed was that my skin was changing colour for all the wrong reasons. My skin was whitening because of what I've only recently figured out was BXO.

BXO stands for Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans. The english translation of this means "Balanitis that obliterates any kind of erotic experience" (I'm sure that's  not the real translation, but it might as well be). It's a skin condition, usually occurring in intact men who haven't been circumcised, involving a thickening of the affected tissue, often characterised by a ring of tissue preventing retraction of the foreskin or making it difficult. The affected skin is thick and inelastic, which is frequently injured during any kind of sexual activity. The ring tightening around the foreskin makes masturbation difficult and/or painful.

Basically, this condition really sucks balls. If you have it, your sex life will be shit.

Conventional medicine is quite drastic when it comes to this condition. Recommended treatment is either a potent topical steroid for months, managed afterward with the same thing, or (if that fails) surgery (often circumcision) to "correct" the problem. Sure, circumcision would correct the problem, much like murdering a badly behaved child would stop them misbehaving. But there's better ways, right?

This blog is about my journey to recovery. Lots of alternative medicine blogs and threads give the disclaimer "Do not treat for this condition without first seeing your doctor". I'm not going to say that. I'm also not going to say "Don't go and see a doctor". Whether or not you go and see a doctor is your choice. This isn't a blog that tells you how to cure BXO. It's a blog detailing my experience of how I beat it naturally. Please don't confuse the two. I'm putting it up in the hope that those who do decide to explore natural treatments might find it useful.


  1. You guys should use a penis health creme called Man1 Man Oil after you shower. It eliminates leftover bacteria and also moisturizes the skin... keep things in great shape down there. It's safe and easy to use. Check it out.


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