Hydrogen Peroxide and why deliberate peeling is bad

This week has been a bit of an up and down week. Fortunately, it ended with an up.

It began with me trying baking soda as a treatment, since i read about it on another self-treatment for BXO site. For some reason I'm not quite sure, it made me get wet under the skin. This made the BXO skin wrinkle a lot, and turn very white. That was fine, except it didn't peel and stayed white for a few days afterward, making me feel like I'd actually reversed some of my progress. I then began to question whether I was actually achieving anything, and should just bite the bullet and go and see a doctor. Fortunately, someone slapped me into shape and made me realise that this is a slow ailment to treat and I just needed to be patient.

The reason I tried the baking soda was that I had began to notice nappy rash powder was no longer working as well. Baking soda was a bit of a fail (perhaps if I'd persevered it might have done more), and I tried Tea Tree Oil, which caused a lot of pain, redness, and inflammation of the healthy skin. Again, perhaps if I'd stuck at it beyond two days it might have eased, but I'm not in the mood for treatments that cause pain and discomfort. After years with this ailment, I feel I at least deserve to have a penis that is usable for SOMETHING other than urination.

On that subject, I spent the week leaving myself alone, letting one of my raw wounds heal. It had been open for over a month, and I'd had a gutsful, so left myself alone for 6 days. It healed in that time. However, I managed to peel some skin away and expose a raw patch, which has simply created another painful area. Remember in my intro when I kept reminding readers not to force the peeling of the skin? That's why. It apparently seems that even I forget the harm that it can do. So that small wound is healing.

But now the breakthrough of the week. Earlier in the week I decided I would stop with the powder, as it was a hassle and not bringing any real benefit any more. I tried hydrogen peroxide, after not using it for a few days. As soon as it had dried from the peroxide, I saw fresh peeling. I treated myself with it every night last week.

This morning, however, I put some on before exercising for about an hour. Afterward, I pulled the skin back and noticed a lot of areas of peeling skin. 60 minutes is the longest I've ever left peroxide on, and it's also the most peeling I've ever seen immediately after, so I'm going to try that every day for the next week and see if I notice the same thing.

So treatments for this week are:

  • Manuka Honey - overnight treatment
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - placed between foreskin and glans for 60 mintues, once a day


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