Are treatments better than dryness?

Lately, I've been considering the possibility that, simply by keeping my penis and affected skin as dry as I can, all the other treatments I'm using are simply aiding the peeling process. I've tried talcum powder, Manuka Honey, Hydrogen Peroxide, and nothing (simply keeping it dry and keeping the foreskin back as much as possible) and it really feels as though the progress occurs at the same rate. The only thing that I have done constantly is to ensure it stays dry at all times. There are two things that cause a penis to get damp under the foreskin. Urine, and sexual fluids.

Men's toilets very often have urinals, and these never have toilet paper by them. Some men can clearly get away without having to dry themselves off - perhaps it's how they hold their foreskin and/or shake afterward. Perhaps it's to do with how much they 'drip' afterward. I don't know. I do know, however, that dampness appears to be bad for me.

Sexual fluids are pretty well unanimously agreed by BXO sufferers to be really bad things to have under your foreskin for any length of time. For a long time when I was trying everything under the sun to get rid of my 'red patches on the glans' (which were actually healthy skin, the surrounding white skin being BXO-affected skin) I tried abstaining from masturbation. In the longest case, I made it 44 days without releasing. I also managed stints of 33, 20 and 15 days without it. I will say, you get pretty horny after more than a week. Anyway, my point is that, after seeing masturbation as 'harmful' for so long, I'm enjoying it a lot at the moment. But it's really important that I do what I can to avoid leftover semen from spilling out in the night.

I know for certain that what I am doing is working, but I'm just not sure which treatments are and which ones aren't. I really do wonder if simply keeping the area dry on its own might actually be enough. As I said before, I'm at an advantage over intact men (who have lots of foreskin) as I can keep myself peeled back for a long time, especially in boxer shorts. If you think about what I've said about peeling, it is hard to see how you could heal this any faster than I am doing. The layers of skin all need to shed, and they don't appear to be the type of skin that can be coaxed away quickly. So even if this was a disease, and the thick layers of skin were a symptom, and you managed to kill the 'disease' I'm still not sure that the recovery would look too dissimilar from what I'm seeing right now.

I've noticed small patches of red on a few new areas over the last couple of days. This is a good thing, particularly as some of it is on the inner skin (where I once was unsure if it was healing).

I have an idea of something else to try that might help things along, and that's to do an acid peel. This sounds really nasty, I know. But in reality it just involves applying lemon juice to skin you want to peel. You can buy creams that contain glycolic acid and use those, but I won't be doing that. I'm trying the natural approach. I'll probably just start with a spot test and see how it looks the next day. Anything that encourages peeling has to be a good thing, in my opinion.


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