For something completely different

As you should all know by now, I'm stubborn and refuse to accept status quo when it comes to healing. For me, status quo is the place where I am healing, but incredibly slowly. Functionally speaking, I'm fully healed, but I still have white patches, which are healing but too slow for my liking. It's been a while since I tried a new treatment, so rather than doing the same thing and expecting a different result, I decided I'd try something else.

I have coconut oil in my pantry already, so trialing it costs me nothing. I'm now using it every day. I figured it was worth trying something oily because it takes more to remove from the skin than Comfrey tea, and because I noticed something interesting of late - the part of my glans that seems to be healing faster is actually the part that is always covered in foreskin. I'm assuming this is the Comfrey at work here. Keeping the skin in contact with the healing compound all the time helps it heal, while having the skin dry up allows less benefit from the comfrey. Perhaps also it is rubbing off against my underwear, and leaving nothing there at all.

What I may think about doing is making a salve, with coconut oil AND comfrey (and beeswax, to help it hold together) and try that. But for now, at least, I'll see how coconut oil alone helps.


  1. Sounds like a good idea and using natural products can't hurt. Coconut oil seems to be helping a lot of ladies that have LS. I made a concoction for my son's LS with coconut oil, beeswax and few drops of tea tree oil. I know you've said in the past that tea tree oil is too harsh for you, but I blend it with the oils and it doesn't burn or sting him. Good luck and keep us posted!

  2. I am also trying tea tree oil for my stubborn adult acne. We'll see how that

  3. I'm probably a little bit incorrect when I say Tea Tree Oil is too harsh for me. I should reword to say "Pure Tea Tree Oil is too harsh for me".

    How old is your son, and how severe was his LS? How much has it improved since you've been treating it?

    I'm trying Tea Tree Oil on a sebaceous cyst on my scalp, which I've had for decades. Who knows what that might do! Failing that, I'll maybe try some castor oil, which is apparently very good for them. Trying natural products can get rather addictive.

  4. Hi...just seeing your question. My son had misdiagnosed, severe LS that started at his foreskin and spread to his glans. At the time he was 6 years old. The multiple doctors we were seeing did not recognize it and were treating it like a regular phimosis case. After a year, I finally decided to go out of town and see a pediatric urologist in Miami who recognized LS in one second. Because his foreskin was completely not retractable at this point, we had no choice but to circumcise. When I say not retractable, I mean the skin was so hardened and inelastic that it would fissure if he tried to pull it back. The doctor who performed his circumcision actually had a hard time cutting! And it had spread so far down the foreskin that he could not cut all of the diseased skin off... Afterwards, we could see how the LS had indeed spread to his glans. We were so scared it might close up his urethra. Well, right afterwards, the first few days, he had massive peeling. It was thick skin coming off. I was not aware how great that was until I read your posts! The peeling slowed down after the first week and then we were treating it with antibiotic ointment at the suture site. His stitches took a long time to fall out. After his stitches fell out, I made a concoction of coconut oil/beeswax/olive oil/ tea tree oil. I put it on his penis twice a day, to prevent chafing and irritation. We are also doing a gluten free diet. The ointment I made seems to help and I am not comfortable stopping it yet. Also, I use very gentle laundry soaps and body washes. So far, so good. I don't want to let him go in a swimming pool because I am scared chlorine might irritate his skin. I've heard good things about castor oil but haven't tried it yet on anything. I believe in natural therapies much more than the medical community. The only thing they know for LS is the steroid creams.

  5. Hi des, just thought I'd mention I have just had my first peel, induced by a high potency comfrey ointment. The blogs author also seemed to have success with comfrey hence why I tried it.

    1. Thank you Sydney. Which comfrey ointment did you use?

  6. I have just been looking into the toxicity issue. This is mainly for ingestion. But skin absorbs it too....I found therons alkaloid (the poison) free comfrey. I think I will order that to be safe.

    Do some research and see what you think. The info on the toxicity issue is so confusing but I figure why risk it.

    1. It bothered me for a while as well. What I found was that there are different variants of Comfrey, some that are and some that aren't toxic. I use cutivated comfrey, which is reportedly not toxic. Check out this page here for an explanation:


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