The body can beat BXO
For a little while, I've known this but today, I clicked onto the significance of it. BXO skin is prone to cracking, and when it gets injured, can take a long time to heal. I put this down to the physical stresses that are placed on the wound due to the lack of elasticity in the surrounding area. Around the edges of the wound, where wounds normally heal first, the tight BXO skin gets pulled on the most, resulting in undoing a lot of the healing. I've had some wounds where the only way to let them heal is to abstain from any kind of sexual activity until they did. My most recent one, I abstained for 6 days and it healed, but before that, it had taken over 4 weeks and still hadn't healed. When you get these kinds of wounds, something interesting happens. They heal, but they heal as much more 'normal' looking skin, that is wrinkled and has elasticity that the BXO skin doesn't. I have many areas like this. I once thought the problem was that the red was either s...