Creme Complete Again

After developing an apparent sensitivity to Perrin Creme Complete, I decided I would once again try my luck with it. A couple of weeks back, I tried applying a relatively small amount to my glans only. I only applied it once.

Sure enough, within about a day, my surrounding skin was itching. It seems to be more of a problem on the inner foreskin than anywhere else, but the fact I was feeling the itching on an area I didn't even apply the creme suggested my sensitivity was here to stay.

I was just about to declare myself no longer tolerant of Creme Complete, when I discovered an almighty peel happening. Just as it had done in the past, the Creme Complete created not just an itching sensation, but later, peeling. This is a more predictable treatment than Comfrey, which seems to be 50/50, and very much dependent on how recently I have last peeled as to whether it will happen again.

I decided I would try it in VERY MINUTE amounts. So minute, in fact, that you almost can't see it on your fingertip before you apply it. Bingo! That didn't create any itching. Does it create peeling though? YES. Not in large amounts, but it's still peeling.

So, I am treating just my glans. Apart from one small patch on my inner skin, I'm largely happy with how that looks these days. My glans, however, still has a way to go, particularly on the underside. But as long as it continues to peel, I'll be happy.

So once again, if you are considering purchasing a product to use for your BXO/Lichen Sclerosus, I'd recommend Perrin Creme Complete as something you should add to your armory.


  1. I have found that keeping area dry and thoroughly washing 2-3 times a day with hard soap (sodium one), significantly reduced white tight ring on foreskin and also hard patches on frenulum. Just ensure hard soap is without any unnecessary additives and dry whole area after cleaning.

    Seems that moisture and/or urine is worsening things.

    I'm using this one:

    it's cheap and lasts very long.

    1. That sounds really encouraging. How long did it take for you to see progress?

    2. First of all I want to tell you that I'm not 100% sure if I have BXO but everything points to it.
      Also mine is not as severe as you used to have. I have only white tight ring with hard white patches and white patches on frenulum. I don't have any white pigmentation besides the ring.

      I'm using hard soap for about two weeks. The thing I've noticed was some kind of a peeling happening from time to time (but it was minor), now I don't notice it. Also white ring loosened up, skin seems to be softer but area where the ring is is still a little bit different from surrounding skin.

      For me important is to wash before going to sleep because ring and hard white patches seem to regenerate during night. Now this regeneration is very reduced, sometimes I wake up and area looks same as before going to sleep.

      So I don't know if this is the soap that's doing the job or just the dryness caused by washing but I've noticed some improvement to this condition after like 1-2 years struggling with it.

      Hard soap is very good for your skin (better than most of the chemical body washes people use day to day) and I'm currently using it to wash my entire body.

    3. I suspect it's the dryness primarily. Soap would also have a nice side-effect of removing any deposits from things like urine, which is in my view one of the accelerators of bxo. So you'll be giving yourself a double-action. First, by using soap you are keeping the area dry and free of urine. Secondly, by using soap you are keeping the area clean and free of urine :)

      I also don't think you'll find your bad skin is regenerating during the night. Remember, everything BXO does is slow. There's no way you would see progress in skin growth from BXO overnight. What I suspect you are noticing is that, because the skin is covered all night, it has a chance to absorb more moisture, causing the white skin to become more apparent.

      The fact that it's becoming less apparent is perhaps a sign that some of it has peeled away.

      Either way, it's good news.

  2. Hey twn, wondering if you'd be open to chatting in person about your experiences, say over a drink. I'm in Auckland so depending on where you are of course , 28 year old suffering from this condition. Let me know what's possible

    1. Hi there. Unfortunately, I'm nowhere near Auckland.

  3. Hi everyone, (reposting my comment from another blog. Hoping it helps)
    I suffered from adult onset phimotic ring tightening like the image at the top of this blog. It came from nowhere in my 30s last year.
    I wanted to tell you how this blog helped me. It put me onto the idea of leaving the foreskin retracted as much as possible. I did retract 24/7 initially while using the standard steroid/anti-fungal cream for 7 days. There was some improvement. I still had the white band, but it was less tight and sore. I had a relapse after about a month, when I allowed the foreskin to be in its normal position (covering glans). The phimotic ring/band was tighter than ever after sex and had several excruciatingly painful splits after sex. The GP said circumcision was now the only course of action. :(
    I was not keen on the circumcision option. the main reason was the removal of all the nerve rich sensitive skin. i.e. a lot of de-sensitivity would result from the removal of foreskin.
    I tried another week of the steroid cream and this time I decided to leave the foreskin retracted after the 7 days. I read that sugar rich urine passing the phimotic ring (urinating with foreskin in normal position) can lead to BXO flourishing; this along with the warm permanently moist environment of the phimotic ring area of foreskin.
    Anyway, it stayed retracted quite easily with some semi tight cotten boxer shorts. it was a little sensitive for the first week, but it was seriously worth it. I wouldn't even know its retracted these days a couple of months on. Feels just like before I had any issues. It dried out nicely and the tight white skin slowly became pink and healthy again. I did some light finger stretches (2 fingers in the foreskin and gentle stretch-now 4 fingers!) in the shower each day, and I also made sure I completely dried afterward with clean towel/tissue/hair dryer and leave retracted. Having this area not moist is the key I think. about 2 months on now, and I have NO evidence of the white phimotic band. The area is pink skin like the rest of the foreskin. also, I have zero tightening even during erections. No hourglass shape. everything perfect. No splits or discomfort at all during sex. I feel like a new person. seriously. What a huge relief. My glans is just as soft/sensitive as it ever was. So I feel like I have gained all the benefits of circumcision with none of the drawbacks. I still have great sensitivity in the foreskin etc during sex. So, that would be my advice. Try this out before considering the more drastic options. I know some peoples foreskin won't stay retracted on its own etc, so it might not work for all.
    I would not have thought to try this except for this blog. Thanks!
    Summary: use the steroid/anti-fungal combo cream on the ring for a week (or perhaps iodine as the last guy said). This will kill the immediate outbreak. Then leave the foreskin retracted back permanently. The area will dry out and no more tightness. Do light stretching in the shower. I am 100% cured now with zero evidence of the horrible tight white band I had while erect which caused pain and splits. Just pink healthy skin and comfortable sex. Hope this helps someone.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, Tom. I'm really glad you managed to rid yourself of this awful (yet surprisingly easily treatable) condition. It's really good you caught onto yours early and got bxo-free in a period of months, rather than years.

      As I've said numerous times on here, I'm not at all certain that any of the other active treatments I used did anything. The only thing I did the entire time I was treating myself was keep the area dry (everything else was sporadic), and the progress continued the whole time.

      What surprised me the most was how completely indifferent I was after using the steroid creme that all the medical sites raved about. For me, it was no more effective than just keeping the area dry.

  4. May I ask, what exactly do you mean by "peeling"? Do you mean you put the cream on, then when it dries after some hours the skin starts to peel? Because I can't see how the skin would peel if it's moist. Thanks.

    1. Not quite. I mean that, within a few days of applying cream, peeling will start to become apparent.

      I think that, because skin that peels is usually dry in appearance, people can make the assumption that it only peels when it is dry. In fact, peeling is simply the body shedding the outermost layers because they are dead. Moisturising dead skin won't stop those layers from needing to come off somehow.

      Granted, you notice the peeling much more when the skin is dry, but it happens either way. I find the best way to observe peeling is to wash myself, then let myself get completely dry. If in doubt, then applying a small layer of talcum powder helps to highlight the edges of skin layers.


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