Comfrey with a Twist

I've been experimenting a bit lately, and thought I'd share the results on here. As you know, I'm a big fan of using Comfrey for treatment of BXO, as I think it's a great healer and does a good job of promoting peeling.

The way I use it is to dry the leaves, break them, then make a very strong infusion in boiling water. It's just like making tea, only I then boil off a considerable amount of the liquid, leaving mostly concentrated extract. I then freeze this extract so it doesn't spoil, and can be applied easily by rubbing ice onto my fingers, then applying the liquid to the BXO areas. But there's a problem.

While it coats the skin, it also rubs off in the places where the foreskin doesn't cover the glans, because it is in contact with my underwear. So I've noticed my BXO is healing a lot more on the areas closer to my body. I came up with a twist on the application of Comfrey, and have been observing how it develops. I apply the Comfrey extract as per normal, but then I apply a small amount of Coconut oil to the skin. Lots of organic ointments and creams use Coconut oil as a base anyway, and it's supposed to be good for skin. So I figured it might provide an additional barrier to stop the Comfrey coming away as easily. I did this just twice in two days, then stopped. No progress was noted for several days after that, but then about 4-5 days later, I began one of the heaviest peels I've gone through in a very long time. It's still going on 3 days later.

Following the peel, the skin beneath definitely looks better. It's not 'healed' at all, but when it comes to BXO, you just don't get such thrills. Every change you go through is incremental, and makes a slight improvement.

I could continue to treat myself daily with this mixture, but I won't. I really believe you get a more efficient result if you use pulse treatments, giving the skin time to heal at its natural rate before starting again. Comfrey seems to be pretty powerful when used in combination with Coconut oil. I've tried Coconut oil on its own before and it's never done much, other than make the skin feel softer, so I think this is a method I'm definitely going to be pursuing more in future.


  1. Hey twn, you might look at this post:

    Maybe adding some probiotics into your diet will help? Let me know what do you think!

  2. hello,
    i need your help in treating BXO. Before that i need to discuss my symptoms in more detail. will you drop a mail on your mail id where i can contact u personally?

  3. I read several of your posts and I would actually like to read all of them, they are really interesting, I'm really happy I found your blog.
    We discovered today that my fiancé seems to have BXO and I was really at loss as to what to do, what the doctors told us and what I managed to research on our own is not much, and as you also said on your blog, we would like not to go for circumcision.
    I had really only one question that nobody seems to really answer, does the BXO advance to a serious stage slowly or quite rapidly? What did you do to slow down the progress of it?
    Will keep on reading you!

    1. I'm sorry to hear of your fiancee's diagnosis, but also pleased you've identified what it is. What is a really good thing about his situation is that he has your support, and doesn't have to suffer in silence and in private.

      In terms of progression, in my experience I found the disease had only two basic modes: attacking, and retreating. There was really no middle ground, and no change in the speed of either. It attacked as far as it could, then when that was done (ie it ran out of damp tissue to attack) it just thickened, causing the tough, inelastic white skin. Now mine is retreating, the thinnest BXO layers have gone first, and it's only the areas where the thickest skin was that are left.

      I wish I could remember when my BXO started, but I also think the fact that I can't shows just how slowly it progressed. In my opinion and experience, it probably progresses about as fast as it retreats - very slowly.

      I did a lot of things to slow the progress, but the one constant that I and many others also tried that probably had more success than anything else was simply keeping the area dry and not allowing it to get damp for any reason. Treatments like Hydrogen Peroxide, Manuka Honey, Comfrey and Tea Tree Oil also seemed to help.

  4. Hi I have been dealing with bxo and phimosis since I got diagnosed in 2014 with it. I had a circumcision may 26 and got a hematoma on my penis just below the stitch line. After the hematoma looked as if it was going away the area that would be the new foreskin but is really shift skin started to peel at 6 weeks signals that the bxo has not gone away. I have a dr app this week because symptoms have returned. I honestly thought I was over with this bxo problem but it seems to still be here and I I'll still be dealing with it. I am going on a serious weight loss regimen. Not severely overweight but I have noticed I haven't been as in shape as I'd like to be so I hope it helps if the bxo is somehow related to being overweight.

    1. Remember, it took me months (6 or so) before I could tell for sure that my BXO was conclusively getting better. If you were circumcised and there was still some BXO affected skin left, that skin will unfortunately probably heal at the normal rate of progress, so expect it to take a long time. The good news for you is, at least by being circumcised it will be easier for you to keep it dry, which should help the healing.

  5. Hey twn... could u tell me from where to start my bxo treatment? I have decided to give a try to cream complete. I m from india and it is not available in india. Previously for the 10 days i had applied clobetalsol but result is negligible.

    1. I bought mine from the Perrin Naturals website, and they shipped it to New Zealand. Maybe they ship to India as well?

      I would still highly recommend the cheapest treatment of all - keeping the area as dry as you can all the time. It's free (other than the toilet paper) and will take you a long way toward recovery, albeit slowly.


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