The meaning of this blog
Regular visitors to this blog will have noticed that my post frequency has substantially reduced. This isn't because I don't care, but because I don't really have anything new to talk about. There's only so many times I can say "I'm still improving using the treatments I've been discussing over the past few years" before realising I've said what I need to. I would still like to share posts about others who have made groundbreaking discoveries about how to treat BXO, but they just don't seem to exist. That leaves me. Little old me... to serve what feels like the entire world's population of BXO-suffering men, with what is apparently the only regularly updated natural BXO treatment resource on the web today.
The web is full of pages discussing various herbs, or pages talking about Lichen Sclerosus and which herbs may be beneficial, but there's no accountability there. There's no "here's how to use this herb, here's what it will do, and here's how long it will take". It's all just a lot of hollow hearsay, which leads to one thing and only one thing - shotgun treatments. That's when people go out and buy EVERYTHING they read about, and try them all. With BXO, that just won't work. Because when you do that, you often end up quitting treatments when you don't see results. BXO will do that to you, because it IS such a slow disease to see results when treating. But with this blog, what you have is a record of someone who actually tried different treatments, and who has talked the world through it along the way.
I'm still here, and I'm still posting. Not a lot has changed there. But there's a more important point I wanted to raise today, that I hope others can get some value from.
I wrote this blog because, other than, there just didn't seem to be any 'learn as I learn' resources out there for BXO. All the web had was the hearsay herbal sites, and one or two forums, but that was it. I wanted to do more. I wanted to find a cure, or at least, a way of greatly reversing the skin damage done by BXO. The web had bits scattered here and there, and that's where I found my treatments from, but to a very very large extent, I learned what I now know entirely on my own.
I don't want people to get all 'wow, I am so impressed' about that. I want people to do this instead: Realise that you can do this as well. I was just an ordinary guy, who had a shitty skin condition on his genitals. I didn't really like the idea of that very much. I googled, and found very little. I went to the doctor, and got given very little. And the idea of asking for a second or third opinion didn't really appeal to me because, having looked at the very small number of studies into BXO conducted by western medicine, I could quickly see where it would invariably lead - to the very easy cop-out of being told I needed a(nother) circumcision. The same procedure I never wanted done in the first place, and the same procedure that drove me to carry out my own nonsurgical foreskin restoration some time ago. So there I was, isolated with seemingly no help from the medical industry, and nothing conclusive from the web, so what's a guy to do? Suffer in silence? Or fix it himself? I, of course, chose the latter.
What I'm saying is, don't let a subject intimidate you. Don't ever think you can't be as good as, if not better than the 'professionals'. If you put your mind to it, you absolutely can. There's no substitute for passion and a strong enough 'why', so remember that when you find yourself seemingly stuck with no options. I'm not a genius. I'm not a doctor. I'm just a guy who didn't want to undergo a circumcision, and couldn't believe that medicine had no better answers, so I went about finding one. And it's so simple: Dryness.
If this blog is to mean anything to you, make it this. Realise you can conquer even those hurdles for which there seems to be no solution. You can do it on your own, and you can do a better job than the 'experts' if you stick at it long enough.
The web is full of pages discussing various herbs, or pages talking about Lichen Sclerosus and which herbs may be beneficial, but there's no accountability there. There's no "here's how to use this herb, here's what it will do, and here's how long it will take". It's all just a lot of hollow hearsay, which leads to one thing and only one thing - shotgun treatments. That's when people go out and buy EVERYTHING they read about, and try them all. With BXO, that just won't work. Because when you do that, you often end up quitting treatments when you don't see results. BXO will do that to you, because it IS such a slow disease to see results when treating. But with this blog, what you have is a record of someone who actually tried different treatments, and who has talked the world through it along the way.
I'm still here, and I'm still posting. Not a lot has changed there. But there's a more important point I wanted to raise today, that I hope others can get some value from.
I wrote this blog because, other than, there just didn't seem to be any 'learn as I learn' resources out there for BXO. All the web had was the hearsay herbal sites, and one or two forums, but that was it. I wanted to do more. I wanted to find a cure, or at least, a way of greatly reversing the skin damage done by BXO. The web had bits scattered here and there, and that's where I found my treatments from, but to a very very large extent, I learned what I now know entirely on my own.
I don't want people to get all 'wow, I am so impressed' about that. I want people to do this instead: Realise that you can do this as well. I was just an ordinary guy, who had a shitty skin condition on his genitals. I didn't really like the idea of that very much. I googled, and found very little. I went to the doctor, and got given very little. And the idea of asking for a second or third opinion didn't really appeal to me because, having looked at the very small number of studies into BXO conducted by western medicine, I could quickly see where it would invariably lead - to the very easy cop-out of being told I needed a(nother) circumcision. The same procedure I never wanted done in the first place, and the same procedure that drove me to carry out my own nonsurgical foreskin restoration some time ago. So there I was, isolated with seemingly no help from the medical industry, and nothing conclusive from the web, so what's a guy to do? Suffer in silence? Or fix it himself? I, of course, chose the latter.
What I'm saying is, don't let a subject intimidate you. Don't ever think you can't be as good as, if not better than the 'professionals'. If you put your mind to it, you absolutely can. There's no substitute for passion and a strong enough 'why', so remember that when you find yourself seemingly stuck with no options. I'm not a genius. I'm not a doctor. I'm just a guy who didn't want to undergo a circumcision, and couldn't believe that medicine had no better answers, so I went about finding one. And it's so simple: Dryness.
If this blog is to mean anything to you, make it this. Realise you can conquer even those hurdles for which there seems to be no solution. You can do it on your own, and you can do a better job than the 'experts' if you stick at it long enough.
We have really appreciated your blog. It definitely helped give us hope. I am very grateful you took the time and energy to do this. The Facebook page for men with LS/BXO is full of confused individuals just trying to understand what they are supposed to do with their skin condition. Your blog offers more advice, hope and ideas. Plus, your photos have shown a DEFINITE improvement of your condition. I understand a lot of guys don't like talking about this. It is obvious when you compare the women's Fb LS page versus the men's. BIG DIFFERENCE. The women are much more eager to share and talk about their experience. THANK YOU for doing this. And good luck on your road to complete healing!