After almost one week of Clobetasol
As I've said before, I've been to a few doctors for my BXO recently. Initially, I regretted it, but since having time to digest everything I've managed to get my head around it a little. Doctors don't really appear to understand this condition, and what I got was the standard BXO speel. We prescribe potent topical steroids; apply once a day; if the condition doesn't resolve, we recommend circumcision. While I have enourmous respect for my GP, that response I could have gotten from Google, and in fact, I did. The problem was, that comment about circumcision sent me into a spiral of anxiety, so I started searching for more experiences with Clobetasol. Of course, that search turned up a rather pessimistic set of responses, and when you're really worried that perhaps you've been kidding yourself all this time, it's easy to forget why those who had conventional treatment often don't get their condition under control. Then you go and see posts by guys wh...