
Showing posts from August, 2016

Creme Complete Again

After developing an apparent sensitivity to Perrin Creme Complete, I decided I would once again try my luck with it. A couple of weeks back, I tried applying a relatively small amount to my glans only. I only applied it once. Sure enough, within about a day, my surrounding skin was itching. It seems to be more of a problem on the inner foreskin than anywhere else, but the fact I was feeling the itching on an area I didn't even apply the creme suggested my sensitivity was here to stay. I was just about to declare myself no longer tolerant of Creme Complete, when I discovered an almighty peel happening. Just as it had done in the past, the Creme Complete created not just an itching sensation, but later, peeling. This is a more predictable treatment than Comfrey, which seems to be 50/50, and very much dependent on how recently I have last peeled as to whether it will happen again. I decided I would try it in VERY MINUTE amounts. So minute, in fact, that you almost can't see ...