Maybe I'm getting cold feet...
Recall my last post where I talked about how I thought Creme Complete was helping me. I'm now not sure whether it was, or whether it was irritating me. I've always considered peeling to be a sign of progress, and I sure was seeing a lot of it on Creme Complete. However, if I'm honest, I was seeing more of it than I was comfortable with. One big shed in the morning is one thing; two days in a row is another; but three days in a row, from the same area of skin... It just seems wrong to me. Perhaps it was all genuine, accelerated progress.. But I'm not ready to risk it. What's worse is, the parts on the glans where it was peeling were slightly red underneath from where I had helped the skin peel away, so it was making me look really unattractive. Other parts were just a little more 'pink' than usual, and felt a little more sensitive. That is fine, except again I wasn't sure if it was a sign of mild irritation. So in the end, I lost my nerve and stopped th...