Revisiting an(other) old friend
This disease is awful. But there's one thing that, for me at least, is the worst part of all. Yes, it sucks that it attacks the genitals. It sucks that it causes the impact that it does. It sucks that it takes perhaps the most ridiculously long amount of time to heal out of any disease known to man. And it sucks that affects yours self-esteem and sense of attractiveness and sexiness the way it does. But most importantly, I think, it sucks that nobody seems to actually understand it. Western medicine certainly doesn't, or at least, that knowledge is not common if they do. Natural remedies have some effect, for sure, but they work incredibly slowly. This is not uncommon for natural remedies, but because there's little to no understanding of it in western medicine, there's not really an 'industrial strength' healer. I came to the conclusion that clobetasol was only sightly more effective than the natural treatments I had been using, so have stopped using it. Bu...