Creme Complete - One Month Update
It's been a month since I started using Creme Complete regularly. All I can say is, I am impressed. The first week saw the biggest peel I've seen in a long time, and on the glans at that. I've always said the inner skin peels slower than the shaft skin, and the glans peels slower than the foreskin. So to see peeling on the glans was very refreshing. I haven't been able to reproduce the rate of peeling I got that first time since then, so in reality it was probably the Creme Complete encouraging a large amount of dead skin to peel. But I have been seeing slow but steady amounts of peeling from it over the past month. To observe it properly, you really do have to clean it thoroughly then let it dry out completely, but when you do that you can indeed see peeling. I haven't been too over the top with my applications this time around. Just twice a day, once in the morning after my shower, once at night before going to bed. I think that's why I've...