Our bodies can heal us
Yes, I am still alive. I haven't been posting here as much lately, obviously, and I thought it was about time I did. Progress seems to have slowed a bit. I'm not taking that as a sign of anything other than I am obviously getting closer and closer to a final state for what I can expect my penis to look like. Recall from my earlier post 'Healing BXO is like cleaning a house' how you notice large progress early, then when you think you're healed, you look closer and realise how far you've got to go. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. I don't think it's quite fair to say progress is logarithmic, but it definitely slows down, the further you get through this thing. I decided a little while back that I would deliberately keep my posting schedule back to at most once a month, perhaps even less. It's now just too hard to see any real change over any shorter timeframe. Don't get me wrong, things are still only heading in the right direction, but ther...