Clearing BXO is like cleaning a house
Say you live in a house and you let the cleanliness slide. One day, you decide you need to deal with it, so you clean. At first, you start with the big items that are taking up the most space, then you get to the smaller ones, then you vacuum the floor and wipe benches, and it looks pretty nice. Only, then you look around and notice things like small patches on the carpet that you either missed when vacuuming, or have small stains on them. You notice the light switches need to be wiped, and you notice the skirting boards need a dust off. You also see some dirt marks on the side of a sofa that probably came from a dirty shoe. This is like if you got given a handout of money and told you could spend it all. First, you'd buy big things, then eventually you'd be working out how many single dollars you had left to buy something trivial with. BXO is like that. When you first realise you have it, you are at the worst stage, but you also have absolutely no idea what 'finished...